
Indian business delegation visits Istanbul, Izmir for trade talks

Just got back from a business delegation to Türkiye where I had the opportunity to meet some incredibly interesting people. I shared with them our work in textile recycling and the importance of sustainability in today's world. Exciting times ahead for the future of recycling and sustainability! FICCI DEİK - Foreign Economic Relations Board İTKİB - İstanbul Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon İhracatçı Birlikleri Genel Sekreterliği Türkiye Ev Tekstili Sanayicileri ve İşadamları Derneği - TETSİAD TGSD Türkiye Giyim Sanayicileri Derneği Zeren Oray Çağrı ÖZTÜRK Mustafa Bektas H&M Foundation Reverse Resources Fashion for Good

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